Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I always do things on my volitions... most of the time people can't force me do the things I don't want to do..
I decide it's about time to call. It's a weird feeling that you get...the urge to call as if the chances are getting slimmer and slimmer...

you can't sit waiting for the time to come...the time is now ^_^

Sunday, November 21, 2010


.....just book the hotel..I can't contain my excitement...

this is going to be a very interesting trip because I can't speak the language I speak and they can't speak the language I speak...
but then again..I'm super excited!!!

i know i'm becoming OCD because I write down places...time and etc... i know I'm ocd from time to time

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

what time is it?

as I see the ideas rolling through my eyes...as though I should take credits or work for certain companies...
I'm in a position now that I could...potentially offer something creative without being ridiculed for being a bit too crazy..a bit to forward...and what's best...I don't have to have the requirement to build it from scratch.

Using existing tools and innovation to create something new and useful...with this..I'm determined to write to propose.  Who knows in the end at least I know what and how to write a proposal.  At least I'm not afraid to be heard.  But then again..it might make people scared and threatened. but if you are, you should not be so because I'm not there to take your job.  I help make your job look better!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Are you where you are?

Once in a while...you would read something and it makes you think...(no I'm not talking about my homework, my required readings or my notes)...but I randomly read articles talking about random thing...

Recently read an article (just posted today) about how a wandering mind can make you unhappy.

It's an interesting concept, idea, or even a hypothesis.  However, it's been long known in some traditions.  

At least in the practice that I've known, focusing on completing a single task is what people learn to do in meditation practice.  As you sit observing your breath, you also observe your mind.  How would your beautiful mind run around like a maniac trying to find things to do...trying to find something to occupy when a task at hand is already determined.  All it needs to do is observing a single breath out and a single breath in. 

As simple as the task sounds, it is not an easy task.  Have you ever noticed how fast your mind processes a certain information?  How can a mind process the information so fast? through memories? through repetitions?  through familiar circumstances?  everything that you have done...is there in the mind.....you might not know it but it's there.  Given the right circumstances, they will resurface without you knowing it. 

The article touches on the surface of the wandering mind....yes there is so much more to it...but I like what one of the researchers said :"“I find it kind of weird now to look down a crowded street and realize that half the people aren’t really there,”

As much as we don't want to admit...it's so true...half of us or more than half of us are not there...why is it so?  We're there physically but our minds are not there.  How many times you sit in a car, in a bus and instead of knowing that you are sitting...you are thinking...what's for dinner...what's for tomorrow...how to solve a problem at work...

We are constantly occupied.  I am no exception.  I am constantly occupied.  However, once in a while, when taking a minute out of the busy...if you can just focus on one single thing...no matter what it is...just do it...your mind will calm down...and be at one with your body...then you will realize what peace is all about...

Maybe we are never at peace with ourselves because our mind and our body talk at the same time but in different subjects.  May we say, they aren't synced? When the music is not synced correctly, the sound might not be as pleasant.  And depending on out unsynced the two are, the sound might be not too be or really bad.  

So...take a moment of your life...even just a minute...focus on one thing...just one thing... close your eyes...and listen to your breath...observing your breath...you will see...what your mind is doing...but just note it...don't let your mind take control...your body needs attention as well.  So then...just practice...one by one...bit by bit...eventually, just like a piano once adjusted, the sound will be extremely beautiful.

It will show...the reflection of the mind...in the body. :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

good weekend

I haven't written anything for a long time..it's been quite busy.

Busy in terms of: I've been busy studying...busy writing my other blog, busy getting back to editing photos (how I love them!)

Work has been fine actually.  Not as hectic and I find I'm not interested in my hobby than work now (especially when I have to research about a specific topic, can someone pay me to do this?!)

I enjoy writing very much (especially when I have to look at different sources!)

I don't enjoy school as much as I used to.  I guess at this stage, I'm more inclined to finish and graduate..and move on with life.  Only that I haven't been sure about what I want to do.

A friend announced that she's pregnant again with a second child.  I'm definitely very happy for her. Congratulations!

My creativity is keeping me busy with different self-proposed projects.  We'll see how it goes.  When you're not an expert in something, the more you work at it, the more you become familiar and eventually you'll be just as skillful.

I notice that in the many things that I do.  I'm in no way an expert in anything at this point.  But as I work toward it, I'm getting better and the improvement is a nice thing to see.

Anyway, I should go to bed....
love this

Sunday, November 7, 2010

it's only fall...

I guess this song said it all...
every time...someone lost someone...your memories just keep coming back...I wonder when I will be able to just really move on...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

night night

do what you love...love what you do..you will not feel tired...and even if you do, it's the satisfaction that counts.. ^_^

everytime I'm tired...the thought of writing something there just makes me happy. Even when I'm running against time, writing something there makes me feel better. At least I get one thing of the list.

The most important is I always learn something :)

I promise to make a better videoe...I don't have time to find a good one.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

another night

I don't get whether I am today w/o hard work...

yeah...whatever you want to do...once you put your mind into it, you will do it...
at first, it might not be perfect...but really who's perfect?
you need to not be perfect in order to find a different solution to the same problem...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

positive attitude

this is what i learn through hard lesson

positive attitude will get you far..
if you fail, just try harder
if you fail again, reassess your situation
if you fail again, reevaluate your strategy
if you fail again, re-map your thought process
if you fail again, it might have been a bad idea to start w/ :D