Sunday, July 17, 2011

midpoint update

you learn to walk by crawling... no pain no gain..
the next two weeks will be lots of work but i think i'm ready for the challenge.

got a surprise letter yesterday... and I suddenly feel that there is a connection between me and the benefactor... in someway we are similar.  I did an extensive search on her but only few articles came up.  Her contribution to the school was substantial considering it was coming from an individual.

I feel extremely blessed and lucky... it's amazing how this surprising gives me much strength and confidence in the work I do.  It's almost like a confirmation that... I can do it... it's also a reminder telling that I have a lot of work to do in order to live up to what is given to me.  Am I taking this too seriously?  I guess not... because I do feel... things happen for reasons.

In a couple days, I'll be working with a couple of friends on a very special practice.  This makes me realize that... I can introduce whatever I want but until the person is ready to commit... there is no much I can do.  but I'm glad I introduce it to her anyway... because it makes me happy when she is willing to try something that probably will be helpful. :)

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