Friday, September 9, 2011

what to do when you have a break but not really a break? :)

having a month off but it's been busy spending time with the family & friends ^_^

Caravan by Masashi Yamanaka

All is good but now I really need time to finish things that I set out to finish during this break.

I think I can do it. All I need is a set of undisturbed time!

I promise I will write about keratotis pilaris next time. I've been treating myself for the last two months and the results have been noticed. When I showed the results to my family members, they were like it looks like it was never there. It was a drastic improvement! So I'm very excited and I wanted to share it.

It's a chronic condition and it takes time to treat the condition. One thing that I notice most people don't talk about is the process of improvement. But ah, I will have to tell you in the later post. I know I will have time to post it. It's part of the list that I want to do. So stay tune!

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