Sunday, December 27, 2009

lazy sunday

It's a lazy Sunday day....
another year.. another goal.. I don't even remember whether I have a new year resolution for last year.. we tend to forget.
It's been a year of traveling. Going to a different country was great.  Experiencing new things, learning new things, seeing different perspectives... and what else?  People often say, you can take a person out of his/her country, but you can't take a country out of a person.  I would prefer the saying you can take a person out of his/her home, but you would not be able to take home out of a person.  You can make anywhere home... seriously.  You can't take what you have out of you because it's yours.  Going to England last summer, I realize we can live pretty much any where but when given a choice, you want to stay at where you prefer the most.  It's approaching.. in about 2 and a half year, I will have to decide where I will head next.  Whether I would stay in the East, going back to the West, or going to somewhere else completely different...the answer is still unknown.  Who knows what will happen in the next year.
I haven't read any book in the last year if I remembered correctly.  I still like reading but everytime I browse the bookstore or everytime I pick up a book, similar themes continue to occur.  No longer has I found myself immersed in a book like the ones from Dicken.  No longer has I found myself eager to pick up a book from Hesse.  No longer has I continued to find the desire to pick up another book.  I do hope to have a good book to read over and over again.  However, I keep picking it up and putting it down.  Drama is everywhere.  Teen fiction is everywhere.  I guess there is a true in every story but yeah I still put them down.  No longer is romantic novel appealing.  Am I passing the age of experiencing this?  Or am I just seeing much and learning much to realize that it is not as it sounds?

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