Sunday, October 3, 2010

nice day but ...

sometimes i wonder..what it is like to live without a purpose...when looking at the world...there is no much to hold on too...
the fantasy of good memories, good future...come and go..then realize...yeah i'm tired...
all the good thing comes to an end at some points.
while i'm encouraged with progress at work, at school, and at many different levels...
the feeling is just sometimes empty...rising up again and again... then realize...until when i should stop?  is there even a stopping point...such thoughts sometimes are contradictory.
i guess i live my life in such a way that it's so contradictory in many levels and feeling lost in it is just so normal.
every moment is the end of the previous one, the one that we will never be able to take back.
i decide to drop the H-project.  and i am planning to write a letter because we can't meet face to face.  after all, my enthusiasm about it has waned long ago.

Such time, a misfit is still a misfit.

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