Sunday, March 29, 2009

unrelated to pharmacy

It's always interesting to look back at where you're coming from. Less than ten years ago, who would imagine I am where I am and do what I do. It's hard to fathom the thought that.. merely decade ago, we were all teenagers dreaming about different things in life. This year has been surprisingly a mixture of both good and bad, and it's only a quarter of the year. Should I start writing quarterly report now? :)

My friends have broken news about welcoming a new baby and weddings. This year alone so far.. there will be three friends' wedding. And none of which I can attend. Too far away but my wish will always be with you! :)

I guess it is a weird feeling to look back and think... wow... has it really been that long? So we have known each other for that long already? I barely keep in touch ... no actually I don't keep in touch with any of my elementary school. We all go different paths. But my junior high school friends... wow.. I have known them for more than a decade now!!! It seems so strange talking about decade!

Remembering the first day at school... timidity...I guess partly scared as well because the school is a lot bigger... many more students in the same class room and everyone seemed to know so much more than I did... then came friendship that can last until now. Who would have guessed? you are all successful in what you do. You are all happy and I can't wish for anything but happy endings for all of you. I wonder... will next year or the following year come with baby news! And what I will be doing then?

My life has taken dramatic turns at every single crossroads. I remember hearing... he looks at everyone is going in and he goes the opposite way... so I guess.. I look at everyone is getting married and starting a family.. I'm going the opposite way. :)

Time is something that I can't define. It just keeps on moving... one tick to the next, until it reaches the 12... then we realize.. oh a minute has gone by... a day has gone by... a month has gone by... a quarter has gone by...and very soon... our life will as well. Treasure each tick as though it is the last one you can see, hear, and enjoy.

Friday, March 27, 2009


wow... another has gone by so fast. I have never known that busy schooling makes time so little.
So it was a pretty busy week as you can tell.. since I didn't post anything on here. But everything went well. I learned a lot in class.

I just realized that I like learning about pain management. I like learning about how things work and how to make things better. Obviously, medication name is not my favorite thing to do because I have problem committed things to memories but I try hard to remember. And sometimes... having an application makes things so much easier. That's why I guess I can remember the pain medication's name better than any other.

It feels almost like... the semester has just started but now it's near the end. We are in the final stretch and busy with celebrating our pharmacy school life.

I have been thinking a lot about what are out there. Pharmacy opens up so many doors and possibilities that sometimes you are just unsure about what you want to do. So many choices.. so little time.. :) We are so greedy, aren't we?

This semester has not been as tiring as last semester... but the coursework is definitely different.. I don't know if it is more challenging.. it's just different...

Looking back over the last few months, I think I have learned a lot.. maybe more than I thought I would learn. Pharmacy school gives you a lot of information and you just have to try to digest everything. You might not know everything in the end... but I think you will know something. :)

What I've learned from pharmacy school so far?
Time management is a great skill that one should develop. I'm not best at it... but I am improving... :) This is one of the hardest week so far in the entire semester... due to the amount of work that we have to do but we all survive.. yes, we complain and complain.. but we all do survive because we don't have any choice in choosing not to do any of the assignment. :)

I think I'm ranting off the topic... but usually that is what happen when you have so much in your mind... you try to put in down but really sometimes there arent any sufficient words that can be used to describe what is going on.

My experience has definitely taught me well. You walk, you fail, you stand up... and to walk again. I think with the right determination, we can't fail ourselves because we know how much work we put into it and we know... what is important to us...

yeah... pharmacy school can make you think things like this at late night ;)

until next time

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

another day another post..

Sometimes life can get at you fast.
We had a test today I didn't think it went bad.. but again.. things can always happen. The moment you thought you did fine, it turned out that things were not good.

I attended the Aging Simulation today. It was an interesting experience. We had to pretend (actually with props) that we got old. We had to list out things that we would like to give up as we age. What left was the important thing in our life, things that we can't live without or things that we would like to cling to until the end of our life.

We age every second we live. We age with every breath we take. And yes, we take our breath for granted. We take our sight as if it will be with us forever. So it was interesting to experience what older people had to go through. We only had our sight defected in the simulation but... it was already very hard. This makes me respect the elders even more for what they had to go through.

Therapy was actually a little bit more interesting today. For some reasons, I felt that the atmosphere was a little bit more relaxing now (don't know the reason why... or maybe it was just me), but I noticed it was definitely easier for me to breathe in this class. Cough and cold medicine... (might not be too interesting but way too important) :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

First day after spring break

The weather has not been very nice lately. It was raining a little bit too much but I think we need the rain. However, the forecast seems to be positive for tomorrow.
So springbreak is really over! We have our first class today. The turnout is actually not bad. In fact, I am surprised that many of us decide to come to class today. I think the sleep over spring break totally helps! :)
We start learning about first phase metabolism with cytochrome P450 (CYP450).
I actually got to watch one of videos in class today. I have a lot to say but just realize that this medium might not be the best to share my opinions. So I will just keep it for myself.
We also learn about how drugs are packaged at a molecular level. As we often see medicines in tablets, vials, or capsules... advanced drug treatment now can be delivered at a molecular level with liposome. I think it is an extremely interesting topic. I myself know that I will never work to develop such drug and admire those who do. It takes a lot of hard work, creativity, and intelligence, as well as a little bit of luck to develop such thing. So I applaud our scientists for that.
Dr. H. did a good job explaining different part of liposome and how it can be delivered effectively. The lecture was long and there was obvious a lot of materials... and as usual, you seem to understand everything in class but looking at the note later to realize that your memories might not be as great as you thought. He talked really fast and made many funny jokes that were very cute. I really do enjoy sitting through his class. I don't think he will lecture us very long but the longer the harder so I am totally fine with this.
The day was short because we only have 4 short classes. However... Wednesday might be a deal breaker...

Until next time :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

is it the end already??

wow... what a week went by.. it's so fast that I can't even count...
I start watching some Korean drama lately.. I have to say it's quite addicted watching these dramas. Cute outfit if not pretty. Nice actors and actresses to look at. Story line can be developed better. It's not totally empty-brain drama. There isn't any death involved in this one except for the real one in life.
I have never realized that being a pharmacy student you can also enjoy some life outside of classes. I guess I have never taken full advantage of that and I think I should start doing it soon. First year is almost over. And plus, no matter how much I study... the grade is either the same or not changing much so... it makes sense to indulge myself over some relaxing activity like listening to Korean music (which I don't understand) and watch Korean drama (which I fastfoward half of the episodes). But it's fun to watch anyone.
Spring break is almost over... if not over already. We have test coming up with presentation coming up as well.
It's been a great break for me. Not having to work too much... but sometimes I feel that as you grow up. you become more self-center and less surrounding-center.
You have become more tolerant for things that could have put flame in your emotion and if not madness. At least, that is what I have become. I guess this would apply to grade as well. I become more accepted that as long as I am passing, I should be grateful for that. :) A person who has a lot of ambition needs to know how to settle...and by that I mean not settling for less, but settling for what he has accomplished.
Life has been treating me well except for the constant rain in the last few days but other than that... it could not be better.

I'm not looking forward to going back to school but it is something that we all have to do. Only a few more years!!!! Only a few more years!!! if not only a few more weeks then I'll be done with first year! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

the day of spring break

So spring break has official started after 10:30 am today!!! Our last class of the day!
It was relieving to finally breath the normal air. Today classes were not bad. they were fine and good. I come to understand that I like pharmacodynamics more than I thought. Biochem is very interesting but I need more time to digest the information.
The nice thing about pharmacy school is you get to interact with many professors from different departments. And in the end, you will learn a lot.

Things can get hard sometimes... but they will eventually get better because there is no other way to go :).

I have to say... I have enjoyed pharmacy school a lot more than I thought I would. It can be partly because of the professors, the environment, and the people.

If people would ask me... what advice I would give to people who are applying to pharmacy school... I would say... you should explore the area around the school that you're applying to when you go for the interview because it will help you get a feel of what a place will be. Because it would be the place you live for the next four years. So choose wisely... and for now.. I will go back to my spring break and enjoy it, even though there are still work to be done... and there are things to be written.. and there are meetings to be attended... but they all can be pushed in the back burner for today ;-)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

the day before the day before spring break

okie... as promised... I'm going to write some more until school is going to be too busy that I couldn't write.

We have lab today. In contrast to micro, immuno, or even bio lab... this is skill lab. Yes! It's called skill lab. We develop skill to become a good pharmacist. While skill lab is very useful, it's just a little bit time consuming and sometimes I'm feeling like things are just rushing by.

But once in a while we do fun things in lab. For example, we get to taste nicotine gum in class today... not only so.. we also try the lozenge which gave me an allergic reaction immediately! We learn how to counsel patients on different products because I think that is what we will be doing after graduation... you can't be a pharmacist without knowing what you dispense ;-).

Once in a while... we do have to compound products. I have to say I like compounding... when we don't have to rush with time. I wish it was just a completely different course instead of trying to incorporate it into skill lab. Compounding is a skill and it needs to be taught properly.

We got to do hydrocortisone today..... but we put it in a stick just like the deodorant that you see in the market. Mine turned out very well actually.... And oh.. as first year student, I have the privilege of using class A balance! yes!!! it's the one you put weight on one side and your desired to be weight product on the other... how interesting is that. It doesn't take as long to adjust it... if you get the weight boats that are quite equivalent in weight. Mine : one is 1.3 g... the other 2 g (no trailing zero ;-) we learn that in school). So it took a long time to balance because I have to throw these two out! We got out early only to ... find ourself busy writing paper in the computer lab.... which I have finally realized have color printer!! how awesome! and they are a lot cheaper than going to Staples !

Anyway... this is my break from writing... until next time :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

wait ,, what time is it?

I have decided.. pharmacy is too much fun to not be documented. We are bombarded with test, project, extracurricular stuffs every single week... only to realize.. wait it's monday and I'm still up at 2 to study for the exam?
Pharmacy school is fun... especially when there are breaks... and when instructors decide to cut the class short.
Pharmacy school is fun when people get to stay at home and sleep in for snow day.
Pharmacy school is fun when I realize... I don't understand what the questions are asking and mindfully guess.
Pharmacy school is fun when I know that... my scores will be horrible whether I study intensively or non-intensively
Pharmacy school is fun because tests are subjective in certain classes.
Pharmacy school is fun when your instructors hint that you are not as good as he is... by saying the test with the failing average was fair...

There are many fun things in pharmacy that's why I decided to create this blog... to chronicle the time, the date, the event that make pharmacy school awesome...with the hope that followers will realize what they want to get into...only yeah... there are followers.