Monday, March 16, 2009

First day after spring break

The weather has not been very nice lately. It was raining a little bit too much but I think we need the rain. However, the forecast seems to be positive for tomorrow.
So springbreak is really over! We have our first class today. The turnout is actually not bad. In fact, I am surprised that many of us decide to come to class today. I think the sleep over spring break totally helps! :)
We start learning about first phase metabolism with cytochrome P450 (CYP450).
I actually got to watch one of videos in class today. I have a lot to say but just realize that this medium might not be the best to share my opinions. So I will just keep it for myself.
We also learn about how drugs are packaged at a molecular level. As we often see medicines in tablets, vials, or capsules... advanced drug treatment now can be delivered at a molecular level with liposome. I think it is an extremely interesting topic. I myself know that I will never work to develop such drug and admire those who do. It takes a lot of hard work, creativity, and intelligence, as well as a little bit of luck to develop such thing. So I applaud our scientists for that.
Dr. H. did a good job explaining different part of liposome and how it can be delivered effectively. The lecture was long and there was obvious a lot of materials... and as usual, you seem to understand everything in class but looking at the note later to realize that your memories might not be as great as you thought. He talked really fast and made many funny jokes that were very cute. I really do enjoy sitting through his class. I don't think he will lecture us very long but the longer the harder so I am totally fine with this.
The day was short because we only have 4 short classes. However... Wednesday might be a deal breaker...

Until next time :)

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