Friday, November 13, 2009

random hearing... vibram experience

It's so nice to have a Friday off.  I'm so glad that I took the OSCE on Wednesday instead of Friday.  Things can't be better than this.  I think it justifies me taking Wednesday morning lab for next semester.  Anyhow... dinner was interesting.
I went out for dinner instead of dining in *it's just part of laziness*
Sitting next to the table at which the daughter was in a heated conversion with her father.  It was because of Thanksgiving.  It's interesting how much you know about the person by just being a passerby.  Her father lived in Florida and their plan was to visit grandpa for Thanksgiving.  However, they didn't want to live in Grandpa's house... and it made him really mad.  He decided that if they didn't want to live in his house, no point in coming.  So.. the end of stories...they will not come down to Florida for Thanksgiving because of this.  The family said the kid would bring a lot of toys and there will be no room for it.  I wonder.. how much toys the kid would bring?  there is only one kid! needless to say, I wonder what I would do if it happened to me.  I knew it's hard to live with your parents once you have lived so far away.  At least, I knew sometimes my Mom kind of bothered me a little when I tried to explain to her several times and she still asked the same questions.  Not only this, she's just too smart that I have to think about why she said what she said to avoid being put into situations in which I can't find my ways out. Such is our relationship.  Isn't it funny when you have to do that?  It's because your mom is so clever! :)

I went to get  card to mail to the staffs at the hospital I was at last summer for Thanksgiving.  It's so fast... in less than 2 weeks, I will be on plane going away again.  I miss flying and traveling.  I miss the experience of coming home after a long trip.

Walking to the outdoor shop, I found a few pair of sandals that my sisters really like.  So I bought each a pair... and one for myself.  They are 50% off.  So I think it's okie.  I tried on the Vibram Shoes.

It's an interesting shoeware I have to say. The feel is very different. It's almost like you walking bare-feet but not.. bare-feet actually.  I'm contemplating about getting this for my birthday! ^_^  I guess it works!  I've been running... indoor a lot since the beginning of the semester.  And I start to like my open toe shoes a lot more than my close-toe shoes.  There is something about having my toes seeing the world that makes everything feels so much better and fresher.  If I do get it.. I will post a picture!  If you don't want to buy them, trying them on will definitely be a different and interesting experience.

Anyway.. I finish going over some of the notes for pulmonary... we have another test next week.
Busy weekend!  But.. the highlight is: I'm going to go to dimsum this Sunday!  yay! I love dimsum even though it always gives me heartburn afterward.  Once in a while it's okie! yes heartburn... i noticed it from time to time...pretty bad I would say

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