Sunday, August 21, 2011

almost the end of august already!

Welcome to the Show by Lenka! :)

So it's been a few days since I last post but things have been quite crazy as of late. Trying to finish up the current project (finishing up the first part it is, the second part is still to come!!!)

Rotation has been going well. I learned a lot last week in benign hematology and also met a very nice mentor as well. So it's a win-win situation.

I'm about 10 days from finishing up this rotation and then time for the second part of the race!

I've been experimenting with my cooking a lot at home lately actually.

I finally learned (well experiment is a better word) how to pickle carrot/daikon/cucumber like the way they did at the restaurant (slightly sour/slightly sweet). Even though it's not a great accomplishment, but I've always loved these pickle sidedishes but never made them (because I thought they are hard to make). Then I realized it's not quite that hard. So now I can enjoy them fresh daily! It's supposed to be good for your digestion/diet? I don't know about the second part but I love these! Maybe I should write down the ingredients/measurement and post them here.

I also switch to a new source of protein recently (well technically two days ago) just for a change (but also because it just happens to be on sale and I want to change things up a little bit). I bought half a pound of cod fish fillets. I'm unfamiliar with how to cook fish because my past experience has not been pleasant. They always have the aftertaste that made me don't want to eat them (but fresh sashimi is my love!). The first try, I put them in kimchi soup, it was good but the soup overpowered the fish flavor a bit. So the second time, I marinated the fish with ume sauce, soysauce, green onion, and pepper. I think next time I would marinate it a bit longer (this time it was about 10 minutes). Using soy sauce as a base for my soup, the dish turn out actually better than I thought. I also added spinach for vegetables and a bit of pickle carrots and daikon. The result was great! If I have time, I will post the picture up! In a mean time, I will continue to modify the recipe to make it better!

That is it for now but I think my next post will be about keratosis pilaris :)

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