Tuesday, August 16, 2011

a look to the already-done

The past few days have been Yiruma and the magical music.

I've always liked Kitaro's composition. It is magnificent and yet touches your heart deeply.

Introducing "Thinking of You" by Kitaro

It's been a busy day from morning until late night. Although long, I found some interesting and useful information that can be used for my new projects.

They said if you walk so slowly but as long as you continue to walk, you will eventually get where you want to be.

It's very optimistic of course. Imagine you are where you are at this point in life. How much struggles have you gone through to reach to this stage? Have you looked back at the road you've taken recently? Have you had any regrets? Should you have any regrets?

Some people have their paths lining up just right. Some people have to go through different stages in life in order to get to the garden of fruits.

As I look back at the last few years, things have gone from normal to crazy and back to normal and back to crazy. At times, I question why the decision was made and why I chose to follow a certain route. Then I realize it was just an exploration. When you are unsure of what you want to do, what else is better than an exploration? But it wasn't a mindless exploration. Just like you go on a hike, you have to prepare to deal with the worse situation. But at the same time, you should also try to prevent the worse situation. most of you wouldn't probably choose to go on the longest route when you are new to the hiking path or just start to hike. Why so? because it's a recipe for disaster. So what you do? You do it at small increment. Just like that with life, at time, you haven't been able to accomplish what you want, you should be happy actually. Why? because this means you can continue to grow and go further and go deeper. Who knows, you might even be able to do more than accomplish what you have set to accomplish.

I guess I'm writing for myself because I think this is what I need at the moment in order to continue.


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