Saturday, August 13, 2011

The end of summer day

Hope by Yiruma (love his song!)

It was raining on and off outside this morning. The weather was clear in the afternoon and the tiny breeze made things a lot better when I walked outside!

For the past two weeks, I have been looking at the search engine in Pubmed for more than 5-6 hours a day. It is to the point that I don't want to look at it for the rest of the week (but I really doubt this is going to happen).

I will repeatedly tell myself that this too shall pass!

I went to Hallmark today to get some cards and saw that the store currently has a 75% sale (on selected items - mostly out of season items) and if you buy 6 or more you will get 85% off instead. I got 5 items and it took a good 15 minutes to get the next one to get the 85% off. But according to Hallmark, I saved about 47 dollars (what was supposed to be a 50+ purchase became an 9 dollars in total!). Can I be happy? Probably yes because I only bought what I thought I would use and nothing else. That's why it took me forever to decide on the last item!

As I walked the sale isle, I realized oh Father's day has passed. when was it? How come I couldn't remember? I took me a couple of hours to remember that it was in June. It's now August. I wonder whether I have too much in my mind that things start to blend into each other and probably don't make sense as much? I started writing some deadlines down and everything was dated 2010 (we're almost done with 2011!!!).

I this time next year and the year following much would I remember...

today, I made another batch of kombucha using a different type of green tea. My other batch is growing very well! ^_^

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